Underwood & Associates is honored to have our Kyle Point Dynamic Living Shoreline project win a 2023 Best Restored Shores Award from the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA). This national awards program highlights innovative natural resource restoration projects and their critical role in addressing erosion, flooding, and coastal threats resulting from increased storm severity and sea level rise. The program promotes more effective nature-based coastal risk management to build public awareness and support for forward-thinking, natural solutions. ASBPA recognizes 5 restoration project each year, and we are grateful to be one of the 2023 awardees.
As stated on the ASBPA website, “ASBPA understands the time, effort, and money that it takes to restore or enhance an inland or bay shoreline, and we want to recognize your accomplishments”. This message resonates with us, as well as many other practitioners, funders, non-profits, scientists, and partners who are working tirelessly to protect and restore the shorelines we love and call home. The work may often feel like an uphill climb, but watching horseshoe crabs utilizing the gentle sandy slopes of our shorelines to spawn, or baitfish schooling in circles against our vegetated headlands makes it all worth it. And awards certainly help our work feel appreciated… thank you to ASBPA!
“Coastal communities are actively adapting to changing conditions. These award recipients demonstrate how innovative thought processes in design, construction and funding for a range from small projects to large-scale projects are improving resilience, benefiting people and the environment every day.” -Peter Seidle, co-chair of Best Restored Shores Award committee.
